Monday, July 4, 2011

1 month Pediatrician Check-Up

Ellie is growing and getting bigger every day. She had her 1 month pediatrician appointment on Friday, July 1st. She was 4 weeks and 1 day old. She is growing up so fast. She was such a big girl through the whole appointment. Luckily no shots were given. Mommy was glad about that. Her stats currently are

Weight  7lbs3oz (5-10%)  (Day 5 visit: 5lb13oz)
Head 13 3/4 inches (10%) (Day 5 visit: 12 3/4inches)
Height 20 5/8inches (40%) (Day 5 visit: 19inches)

We will have to have an ultrasound of her hips done in the next few weeks because Ellie was breech. We are hoping everything will be just fine and she won't have to get a cast on her hips due to how she was positioned inside of me. Ellie is becoming more and more alert everyday. She typically feeds every three hours with going about 3.5 hours at night for the most part. She is also being bottle fed 1-2 times a day to give Mommy a break. After feeding, she is usually up for alittle while before taking a nap. We are working on her taking a nap in her bassinette although right now she is sleeping on my bed in between by calves. At night, we are still working on stretching her sleeping to 4 hours at a time. She sleeps wonderful from 11to 2ish. She then feeds and will be put back to bed. She then will go another 1-2 hours before she gets antsy and wants to be held.

Some of Ellie's accomplishments lately:
*Ellie has started to grasp onto fingers, shirts when she is being held
*She is starting to coo and make noises at times
*She has ventured out to the mall a couple of times and I think she will make a great shopper...gotta start her young : ) Daddy is in trouble.
*Ellie is feeding more consistently and actually wakes up when it is time to eat...a big change from her early days and weeks when she was having to be woken up.
*She feeds for about 20-40 minutes at a time, although one feeding is usually 15 minutes....a light snack if you will
*She loves to stretch out when sleeping by putting her hands above her head and stretching her legs.
*She is starting to follow faces and voices. She loves looking at bright lights and fans.
*She enjoys car rides but does not enjoy being strapped into her carseat.
*She is starting to fill out her newborn outfits.
*Bathtime has become part of our daily evening routine. At first. Ellie would scream but we are slowly getting used to it and I think she eventually might enjoy it.

Napping on the boppy

Baby Girl likes to stretch it out when napping

Tired Girl

Working on her smiling

Tired momma, tired baby

Our little crab...

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