Thursday, July 28, 2011

Week 7

This week Ellie has started sleeping in her own crib in her room. I think it was harder on me than it was on her actually. I thought all along that I would have her in our room until she was at least 3 months old (yes I am a crazy first time mom), but she started becoming too big for the bassinette/packnplay that we had set up for her so the time had come. The last couple of days she has managed to sleep from about 10:30 until 3 and then will go back to her bed for another 1.5-2 hours before she gets up again and wants to snuggle before her next feeding. We are making strides.

In other news, Ellie is starting to smile alot more. She has inherited her daddy's dimples which are the cutest thing ever. She is starting to interact more with her surroundings and is able to entertain herself alittle. Today she was able to play and look at her toys on her playmat for 30 minutes which was huge. The other night, it was 3am and I had layed her back down after her feeding and she was not sleeping and she was just smiling at her crib mobile.

But probably the biggest news this week (at least for me) is it looks like I am going to have to give up dairy food while I am nursing Ellie. I had noticed (and everyone else) that Ellie was having terrible gas that was not making her a happy girl especially at night when it was waking her up. We had tried gripe water and gas drops but nothing really was seeming to remedy the problem. So I made an appointment to see the pediatrician when she mentioned that I feed Ellie formula for 3 days to see if she is doing better. If she did, it would mean she has an intolerance to a milk protein which she would grow out of at 1 year (yay for me). Well because I was nursing, I just wasn't too big on feeding her formula and also did not want her to start liking bottles to much. So after discussing with Adam, I have decided that if it will make baby girl feel better then I will be giving up dairy (at least most of the time, I don't think I will be able to give up mashed potatoes during Thanksgiving and Christmas!) We will see if it does the trick. It's amazing the things you will do for your kid. So far I am on day 4 of no dairy or at least 90% no dairy and it isn't too bad. It's amazing how much does have dairy in it though. But honestly how could you not give up dairy with a sweet face like that.

Starting to smile more

Poppi holding Ellie so Mommy can eat her dinner

Week 7 photo

Kissed from Mommy

Gigi helping with bathtime...then she got peed on

Shelby helping supervise

My Ellie

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Week 6

Loves laying on her daddy

Trying to get in any last minute uses of her newborn outfits

Sweet dreams

Ellie's first night with a babysitter (Auntie Em) and mommy and daddy's first night out

Ellie is growing like crazy, it seems lately. Sometimes, I think back to when she was first born and how tiny she is. When people first meet Ellie they comment on how tiny she is which makes me laugh because she has gotten so big from when she was first born. Adam came home to visit for a few days which was wonderful. I was able to use him during the nightime which was nice. We are still working on nightime sleep. She is currently sleeping in a mini pack n' play which she has clearly almost outgrown or she is just too much of a wiggle worm because she always ends up waking herself up in the middle of the night because she turns and becomes perpendicular to the edges. So it might be time to start testing out the crib. As much as I am dreading having her out of our room, I know it might be time. Although, I think she is secretly waking herself up becaue she knows if mommy and daddy are tired enough they will put her in bed with them and sleep. Not the best situation, but when you are running on no sleep, anything that works is worth it. She loves cudding in my arms or laying right next to me and falling asleep. I can usually ger her to sleep until 9ish when that happens. She is still smiling alittle, I am sure in the next week or so she will be giving smiles right and left. She has outgrown her newborn clothes if I haven't aleady mentioned in previous posts and also has moved up to size 1 diapers. She is very inquisitive with things and has started really focusing in on things.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

extra pictures from 5 weeks

Today as my Nonnie Podgers would say...."I put on my rollar skates". Ellie has started to fall into a pattern of taking a good sold, she is out stone cold nap after her 1 pm feeding. Today, considering it was almost 100 degrees outside, I made the decision to just stay indoors. So instead of running errands during Ellie's nap, I have been able to get in a solid 20 minute workout, took a shower, threw some clothes in the laundry, updated the blog, paid a few bills and that is just the beginning. Hopefully I will be able to accomplish a few other things before 4pm...fingers crossed.
Sarah, Ellie and Adeline at our "playdate"

Just lookin' over mom's shoulder

My two babies sleeping

And we are missing a leg, but we are sleeping which is all that matters

Bright eyed

I sleep alot

Slowly but surely getting used to the bath

Was not big on getting her hair washed

Aunt Jackie helping give Ellie a bath

We're almost growing into the headband...just not quite there yet

I am learning that if I wrap her up loosely, Ellie is able to sleep without me holding her...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 5

We have had many new accomplishments in the last week. Ellie is continuing to amaze me every day with how much she is growing and becoming more attentive and curious. He face is changing and starting to go from looking like a newborn to a baby. Right now she is grasping things more particularly, fingers, shirts and Gigi's necklace when she is having her diaper changed. We have learned she does a death grip when that happens. She is starting to be able to lift her head and keep it lifted for a few seconds when we hold her up right. We have learned that she loves her tummy time and unfortunately also loves falling alseep on her tummy rather easily...If we lay her on her tummy she has no problems going to sleep and relaxing whereas putting her on her back to sleep has posed a challenge. I hate to say I have on a few occasions lately put her on my chest and moved all blankets and stuff off my bed and fallen alseep with her knowing I would get a decent amount of rest...and by decent amount, I mean 3-4 hours tops. Ellie has already started to outgrow some of her newborn pj's. She is developing a little tum-tum on her which is so stinkn' cute. The biggest accomplishment came when she turned exactly 5 weeks old....I was able to catch her very first smile that wasn't associated with having gas. It was the most wonderful yet bittersweet moment. It was the cutest little smile ever and I became even more in love with her than I already am. I was able to get it on film so we could send to Adam. So attached is the video of one of Ellie's first smiles. (Please ignore my voice, I have come to the realization that having a baby has made me develop this sing songy high pitched voice when talking to Ellie)

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July

As much as I'd like to say I ventured out with Ellie to the Dunwoody Parade or went to a bar-be-que...we didn't We actually stayed inside all day due to crazy Atlanta heat and then also thunderstorms. I didn't take a shower until 6pm and for part of the day, we just sat in bed while Ellie napped on the bed in between feedings. Hopefully next year  we will be able to partake alittle more in festivities and also Adam will be home to celebrate as well (I have already told him he WILL be home next year no matter what, no work business trips). I did manage to put Ellie in her way too bi 4th of July outfit. It was a rough day....just hanging out as you can see from the pictures I have of her.

Ellie in Gigi and Poppi's crib that they have set up at they're house

Tuckered out from doing nothing

Happy 4th of July

Too much excitement